Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Facebook and Eventbrite Partner to Promote Ticket Sales

Here is some fascinating news for event coordinators who are currently using mega monster social networking site, Facebook, as a means of event marketing and promotion.

It has been confirmed that Eventbrite, a large and rapidly expanding social commerce company has partnered up with Facebook to sell tickets to an upcoming F8 developer conference. While it has not yet been announced that a partnership between the two companies will be extended beyond this endeavor, there is great speculation. Eventbrite has assisted event coordinators worldwide in achieving over 10 million ticket sales and presumably, coupled with the marketing and social networking power of Facebook, the potential for a profitable partnership is quite promising.

The rewards, for event organizers worldwide, of this merger is the ability to maximize ticket sales to promoted events without having to pay any out of pocket overheads. Facebook adds over 3.5 million scheduled events each and every month. With options for event coordinators to use a service like Eventbrite to generate, promote and mange ticket sales digitally, at no cost to the event organizer, the increase in ticket sales could be staggering.

When interviewed founders of Eventbrite, Julia Hartz and Kevin Hartz not only announced that they had received funding from Sequoia Capital, they also stated that they were experiencing amazingly rapid company growth and anticipated to gross over $100 million in tickets sales throughout 2010. Those are some high expectations, but theoretically achievable. Event organizers can use Eventbrite to manage all aspects of their ticket sales including payment collection and receive a check for the full amount of every ticket sale at the end of the event. This is again at no cost to the event coordinator while Facebook and Eventbrite would generate their revenue by charging the ticket purchaser a modest service fee of 5.5% + $0.99. It would be somewhat like Facebook having it’s own digital box office.

Is the speculation of a future partnership justifiable? It would certainly seem so. It’s obvious that a partnership between Facebook and Eventbrite would create a significant increase in flow to the service. And even if a small percentage of the 3.5 million events added to Facebook each month required ticket sales, there would be minimally tens of thousands of dollars in revenue generated. What about events that distribute free tickets as a means of analyzing the demographic of their Internet sales? Eventbrite already provides this service as a viral marketing technique.
When asked if the Facebook/Eventbrite partnership would extend beyond the confirmed f8 developers conference, Eventbrite CEO, Kevin Hartz had only this too say, “Sorry, I can’t comment at this time. We never comment on deal speculation.” , while Facebook representitives remark, “We’re always testing Connect implementations with various sites and have nothing to share at this time.”

Monday, January 11, 2010

Applying Direct Marketing Techniques to Music that are Similar to SRC Lists

You may wonder what a company like SRC Lists has to do with music marketing and promotion since they specialize in areas such as reverse mortgage, long term care, debt finance, and annuities. The answer is nothing. However, the methods used by SRC Lists are quite similar to those that can be successfully applied to music marketing.

SRC Lists provides targeted leads to various companies to aid them in achieving maximum sales and promotional results, by eliminating “dead leads” and offering lists of potential clients and customers who have already proven a specific interest in their categories of products and services. This is a service that saves hundreds of companies thousands of dollars and hours upon hours of valuable time by directing them to other companies and individuals who have a definite need for the products and services they provide.

This is one very essential technique practiced by many of the country’s top marketing agencies and can easily be applied to music promotion and marketing as well. ExtremeMusicMarketing.com is currently in the process of putting together lists and leads to some of the top music production companies, independent record labels, and distributors of music related items. Check back soon to find our list of all the “who’s who” and start getting your music out to the masses of folks who are waiting for it.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Hello again, and welcome to the Extreme Music Marketing.com music marketing tip of the day! And don't forget to visit us on MySpace and subscribe to our blogs to get all the new pro music marketing tips and tools and take advantage of Free Download Fridays!What to do About That LAZY BAND MEMBER!

Let's face it, there are many musicians who are brilliant artists but care little else about what is going on in the promotion department. Hey, they are artists right? It's their job to create the music we love so much, and for that they deserve all the props and recognition we can give them. The ability to make music is indeed an accomplishment in itself and in a technical sense, once the music is perfected, the artist's job is done.

Unfortunately, unless you can afford the help of high priced promoters or publicists, that brilliant piece of music, or CD, or video, is not going to get the MAXIMUM EXPOSURE it deserves. And if you are still reading this blog (or subscribing to it for the FREE PROMO TOOLS) it's pretty likely that your band cannot afford those luxuries yet.

Far too often we see a band or artist that has all the potential in the world to become successful in the music industry being held back by lack of time for promotion or the right music marketing tools. In most cases one or two members of a group take on the 24/7 job of promoting their music and events while cursing the name of the other members who do not participate in the music marketing endeavors.

Well if you haven't caught last Tuesdays blog about Traffic Exchange sites, here is a second chance to get MAXIMUM PROMOTIONAL RESULTS by putting those lazy band members to work on your promo campaign!

Can you imagine getting AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU WANT to VISIT YOUR BAND WEBSITE...for FREE? Well you certainly can, just by web surfing other sites. This is unbelievable but true. By registering for FREE with one, or better yet several traffic exchange sites, you can nearly effortlessly get hundreds or even thousands of new visitiors to your web page to increase your fan base.

For EVERY page you click on, someone else will be required to click on YOUR PAGE!

Here are two of our favorite FREE traffic exchange web sites for you to use to increase your web traffic by surfing other sites;



Now go get your lazy band member (we know you have one) park his ass in front of a computer and put him to work without him even knowing! You'll be glad you did!

*For more useful information on this topic check out TUESDAY'S BLOG ABOUT TRAFFIC EXCHANGE SITES

FREE DOWNLOAD FRIDAY!!! Free Web Design for PROMO! - Extreme Music Marketing's MySpace Blog |

FREE DOWNLOAD FRIDAY!!! Free Web Design for PROMO! - Extreme Music Marketing's MySpace Blog |

FREE DOWNLOAD FRIDAY!!! Free Web Design for PROMO! - Extreme Music Marketing's MySpace Blog |

FREE DOWNLOAD FRIDAY!!! Free Web Design for PROMO! - Extreme Music Marketing's MySpace Blog |

Monday, November 30, 2009

We've Been Secretly Promoting People - Are YOU on "The List"?

Get People to HEAR YOUR MUSIC – No Matter What They Are Looking For

We all know the importance of our web sites, music and events achieving first page ranking on search engines like Google, MSN, AOL, etc. when it comes to getting maximum promotional results. ExtremeMusicMarketing.com is here to show you exactly how to achieve this.

“But we did that on our own just by being on MySpace!”

While it is very true that having active profile pages on social networks like Myspace and Facebook is a magnificent way to get free exposure, and you can indeed be found in high rankings on the search engines just by keeping activity streaming through them, there is one major consideration that is commonly overlooked by struggling artists and promoters.

Only The People Who Type in Your Band or Company Name Will Find You

This is great, but there are millions, billions of others who may enjoy your music, club or events who don’t even know you exist. And isn’t that what we are all trying to achieve? Getting our music or services OUT THERE…TO THE MASSES! You can gain massive exposure by incorporating SEO/SEM (Search Engine Optimization/Search Engine Marketing) techniques into your promotional strategies and have folks who are searching for virtually anything stumble upon YOUR site.

Search for Anything – Find YOUR MUSIC or EVENT

Here is an example of how 2 Optimized MySpace comments are keeping a local band on page one of Google for three months and counting.

We left the band RANDOM X a couple of MySpace comments a few months back ago, in August to be exact. Those very comments and the specific key words we composed them with, have kept Random X on PAGE ONE of GOOGLE for 3 MONTHS thus far!

Now, here is the kicker…

They come up on this page when a search is performed using the term MAXIMUM PROMOTIONAL RESULTS – NOT Random X. Simply put, anyone who is looking for “maximum promotional results”, for any reason, is going to find Random X. Anyone, looking to promote anything is going to find Random X. Obviously, this is a good thing for Random X.

The same holds true for;


And many others!

Need Proof?

See for yourself! Go to Ask.com, AOL or Google and type in key words MAXIMUM PROMOTIONAL RESULTS. Then scroll down until you find a link to Random X, or any of the above listed artists’ MySpace page. You’ll see right in the description the comments that we left that put them on PAGE ONE. If they delete the comment, they disappear from that search engine page. As long as their page remains active, and the comment remains on the page, they will remain on PAGE ONE of the search engines.

We achieved this in 2 MySpace comments people! THAT is the power of stealth marketing and SEO my friends.


Think for a moment how many people may click on their page simply because they Googled those keys words, MAXIMUM PROMOTIONAL RESULTS, and happen to stumble upon their music. Just by us posting two small comments on that page, using the proper terminology and key word placement to attract the search engine attention, we achieved this!

Now, imagine if you will what we could do if we posted more unique and strategically placed content that linked to YOUR MUSIC using MULTIPLE SEARCH ENGINE POPULAR KEY WORDS. The results could be staggering! You could come up on page one of several search engines, under several search terms.

We can put you virtually anywhere on the web and your promotional efforts can easily be MAXIMIZED...TENFOLD by putting OUR music marketing techniques to work for YOU! Once we have gotten you to PAGE ONE on the search engines, all you have to do is maintain daily activity on your web page and your site will remain on PAGE ONE! Pretty cool, huh?

We Can DO This For YOU – Or Show YOU How To Do It

Check out our blog for more detailed information or contact us at Info@ExtremeMusicMarketing.com!
Happy Promoting!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

You Only Get 90 Seconds to Make an Impression - Are You Sending the Right Message?

Can the Color of Your Promotional Items and Web Site Affect Your Fan Base? You Bet!

The colors you use in your marketing weapons -- flyers, e-flyers, signs, CD/DVD covers, press kits, business cards -- play an important role in motivating people to take interest in your music.

Colors speak loudly and clearly about your band or music

But they can also give forth mixed messages. Guerrilla marketers know quite well the hidden language of color -- and know that colors speak much louder than words.

Colors stimulate emotions, excite, impress, entertain, and persuade. They are fully capable of generating negative reactions by otherwise potential fans if you don't understand them.

Lasting impressions are made within 90 seconds

And color accounts for 60 percent of the acceptance or rejection to receive. So don't select the colors you like personally. Instead consider their meaning to your prospective fan base. Here is what colors mean to people in their emotions, subconscious, and in a music business context:

Red evokes aggressiveness, passion, strength, vitality. In web design, it is great for accents and boldness, stimulates appetites, is associated with debt.

Pink evokes femininity, innocence, softness, health. If you choose to use pink, be sure you're aware of its feminine implications and associations.

evokes fun, cheeriness, warm exuberance. In business, it's great to highlight information in graphs and on charts evokes positivity, sunshine and cowardice. It appeals to intellectuals and is excellent for accenting things. although too much orange can be subconciously unnerving.

Green evokes tranquility, health, freshness. Its deep tones convey status and wealth; its pale tones are soothing.

Blue is a prety safe color to use in many areas of marketing. It generally evokes authority, dignity, security, and faithfulness. In business, it implies fiscal responsibility and security, in music it relays trust in the artist. Plus it is just universally a popular color.

Yellow is an optimistic color that almost always evokes a positive response. Yellow gets you motivated; it stimulates creative and intellectual energy; it's cheerful and easygoing.

Purple evokes sophistication, spirituality, costliness, royalty and mystery. In most lines of business, music included, it is very appealing to upscale and artistic audiences.

Brown evokes utility, earthiness, woodsiness and subtle richness. It tends to signify less important issues and natural relaxation.

White evokes purity, truthfulness, being contemporary and refined. In web design, it enlivens dark colors and can be refreshing or sterile. If you are looking to have a clean and sparkling image, white can be your friend. But do not discount it's ability to be boring.

Gray evokes somberness, authority, practicality and a corporate mentality. In business, it is always right for conservative audiences. In music marketing, you may be inclined to minimize the use of this color.

Black evokes seriousness, distinctiveness, boldness and being classic. In the music business, it creates mystery and drama and is most often a fine background color.

Now That You Are Armed With This Useful Psychological Color Information...

Spend some time looking at your own web site and/or marketing materials and see if there are any changes you want to make to your color scheme. It's amazing what a little bit of color knowledge can to do subconsciously drive more potential fans nearer to your campaign and ultimately your music or event.